Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Ambitions

The beginning of a new calendar year represents both a celebration of the future and evaluation of the past 12 months. As most of my friends attend new years parties or jet to NYC for the weekend, this year my family and I have chosen to relax seaside on the the east coast. This mini vaca has included hours of Rook playing, a double shot of the Banana Republic Outlet, Grandma's made from scratch meals, a run on the beach in hopes that I can still slip into my just bought clothes, but mostly lounging.
No alarm clocks. No homework. No agenda.
 Feeling the extreme need to be productive, I've decided to go ahead and outline my goals for the upcoming year. My new years resolution if you will:
*Cough Cough*
(slow clap begins)

  1. Be more committed to my personal Bible study
  2. Run one 5k each month
  3. Be more willing to serve and help others
You don't have to lose 20 pounds or read the entire Bible in a year in order to make significant changes in your life. I believe in doing small things on a regular basis so that you can grow to be the person you desire to be. Who are you? Who am I? My prayer is that my heart will follow the desires of the Lord and in turn, my desires will be glorifying to God.

Stay Sunny